security solutions

Safe Home Is A Must

Presence Simulation

Presence Simulation

It’s no longer just a scene from the ‘Kevin home alone’. Your home can really give the impression that there are household members inside. When you’re away, the light in selected rooms and in the garden can turn on at selected times to effectively confuse and discourage people who would like to enter the property in your absence.

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When Break In Unexpectly

When the alarm system detects undesired motion or window opening, your home will be visible and audible from a distance thanks to the lighting and sound alarm. In this situation, the burglars immediately stop any attempts of entering your home and your possessions are safe.

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The Application Of Self-powered Doorbell

The Application Of Self-powered Doorbell

Never miss a guest's every visit, no matter how big your home is.

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Call For Help

If there are patients or people with limited mobility at home, the caregiver can't keep guarding them every step of the way, especially at night. What should they do if they need help? There is no need to call for help loudly. Just press the switch for calling easily.

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The Application For Hospital Non-contact Switch

The Application For Hospital Non-contact Switch

The footswitch can open the electric door to prevent the germs from spreading when you press the switch by hand.

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