Display case lighting

Installing a kinetic transmitter contact sensor for your display cases in living room or den. When someone approaches the display case, the light placed on each floor will turn on immediately. Then you can calmly take down the exhibits and enjoy them with your friends. Just a little modification, make your life more ritualistic.

Drawer sensor lighting

When you open a drawer in a dark situation to find something, the little strip light in the drawer will turn on while you open the drawer. Ebelong kinetic transmitter contact sensor, make your life more ritualistic.

Wardrobe sensor lighting

Try to install a Ebelong kinetic transmitter contact sensor in your wardrobe, when you open your wardrobe to find some popular dresses for a date, the light in the wardrobe will turn on and help you meet a best option.

Cabinet sensing lighting

When you are cooking but find that some of the seasonings are missing, and have to find them in a dark cabinet, how can you do? Maybe you can install an Ebelong kinetic transmitter contact sensor in your cabinet, to meet a happier cooking.

Student table lighting

Install a small wireless kinetic button on a student table, let students easily control table lights. Improve concentration in studying.

Small sence installation by narrower, smaller door sensor

EBELONG D1 door sensor, specially designed for smooth doors and windows, which is more suitable for some space limited places and small windows and doors.

Square exposed door sensor which can directly replace traditional wired door sensors

The product is the same size as the traditional wired door sensor and can be directly replaced. Only need a simple modification, your door sensor no longer needs to replace the battery.

Pit mounted door sensor
Adapt to different needs

EBELONG D4 door sensor is specially designed for Embedded wood panel mounting, it also support intall surface mounted. DIfferent choice for you to match your demands.

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