Bath master control module upgrade, with wireless kinetic switch to achieve high-grade bath

What is it about upgrading the control module of the main board of the bath master with a wireless kinetic switch to achieve a high-grade bath master?

Bath master control module upgrade, with wireless kinetic switch to achieve high-grade bath

Especially for the traditional bath bar to provide upgrade solutions, so that your bath bar brand upgrade a step, then how should do?

Bath master board

Replace the traditional bath bather switch with Ebelong wireless kinetic switch, this way the bath master switch no longer needs wiring no longer needs batteries, but also has IP67 level waterproof, anti-electrocution, and other effects; the bath master board needs to be replaced as a whole, or increase the bath master main board control module, are optional.

With more features of the bath bombs, such as the realization of wireless intelligent control, there is a demand for all communication and customization.

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Bath bombs for the motherboard are broken caused by tripping?

The bath temperature display has been on how to do it.

1. power switch is turned on

Bath bombs do not blow only show the temperature may be the power switch is not open, which only needs to open the power switch on.

2. The fan has not been connected to electricity

The bath fan does not blow only to show the temperature may be the fan is not connected to the power, which only needs to be manually connected to the power.

3. Fan damage

The bath fan does not blow only show the temperature may be the fan is broken, which requires professional maintenance personnel to repair, and then only then use.

4. Start a high-temperature protection

Bath bombs do not blow only show the temperature may be too high-temperature bath bombs to start the over-temperature protection, just need to drop the temperature, and it will blow the wind.

5. Heat-making original is broken

Bath bombs do not blow only show the temperature may be the heating element is broken, see if the line connecting the heating element is connected, not connected, their own street, if connected or bath bombs do not blow only show the temperature may be the heating element is broken, you need to change a.

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